accessing the record of Europe's book heritage
Eyb, Anselm von
[Person] . – - 1477 . – cnp01453982
Eyb, Anselm ¬von¬
Feilitzsch, Peter Heinrich von
[Person] . – cnp02279839
Feilitzsch, Peter Heinrich ¬von¬
Franckenstein, Johann Philipp von
[Person] . – cnp02279854
Franckenstein, Johann Philipp ¬von¬
Franckenstein, Johann Richard von
[Person] . – 1608 - 1675 . – cnp02288052
Franckenstein, Johann Richard ¬von¬
Freyberg, Ferdinand von
[Person] . – cnp02279855
Freyberg, Ferdinand ¬von¬
Fuchs von Birnbach, Johann
[Person] . – cnp02279864
Fuchs von Dornheim, Christoph Ernst
[Person] . – cnp02290384
Fuchs von Dornheim, Philipp Julius
[Person] . – cnp02288060
Fuchs von Dornheim, Wolfgang Philipp
[Person] . – cnp02288061
Fuchs von Rügheim, Johann
[Person] . – cnp02279881
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