accessing the record of Europe's book heritage
Erttle, Magnus
[Person] . – - 1726 . – cnp02285796
Faber, Fintan
[Person] . – - 1723 . – cnp02285368
Fabri, Caspar
[Person] . – cnp02285288
Fabri, Johannes
[Person] . – cnp02285612
Falch, Konrad
[Person] . – cnp02285733
Feurstein, Johannes
[Person] . – - 1592 . – cnp02285613
Fickler, Ambrosius
[Person] . – - 1795 . – cnp02285174
Fideler, Felix
[Person] . – cnp02285361
Fischer, Alexander
[Person] . – - 1752 . – cnp02285171
Fischer, Bernhard
[Person] . – - 1717 . – cnp02285235
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