accessing the record of Europe's book heritage
Montasauro, Domenico
[Person] . – 1500 - 1599 . – cnp01106803
Morel, Jean
[Person] . – 1536 - 1597 . – cnp01106830
Mosnauer, Wolfgang
[Person] . – 1508 - 1521 . – cnp01879251
Nifo, Agostino
[Person] . – 1473 - 1538 . – cnp01324520
Nikolaus, Johannes
[Person] . – 1520 - . – cnp01107503
Nores, Giasone de
[Person] . – 1530 - 1590 . – cnp01363178
Occo, Adolf
[Person] . – 1524 - 1606 . – cnp01406896
Oetheus, Jacob
[Person] . – 1568 - 1574 . – cnp01107714
Oltinger, Johannes Martin
[Person] . – 1574 - 1584 . – cnp01107778
Parvi, Alessandro
[Person] . – 1537 - . – cnp01108105
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