accessing the record of Europe's book heritage
Umbreit, Friedrich Wilhelm Karl
[Person] . – 1795 - 1860 . – cnp01497843
Umbreit, Friedrich Wilhelm Karl
Wangenheim, Friedrich Hermann Albert von
[Person] . – 1803 - 1889 . – cnp01946672
Wangenheim, Friedrich Hermann Albert ¬von¬
[Person] . – 1601 - 1684 . – cnp02396954
Wangenheim, Hans Ludwig ¬von¬
[Person] . – cnp00485895
Wangenheim, Jost Melchior ¬von¬
[Person] . – 1730 - 1794 . – cnp00896414
Weissenborn, Johann Christian
Weißenborn, Georg Friedrich Christian
[Person] . – 1764 - 1834 . – cnp00510086
Weißenborn, Georg Friedrich Christian