accessing the record of Europe's book heritage
[Persona] . – -439 - -367 . – cnp01335428
Denys, Ier, tyran de Syracuse
[Persona] . – 0300 - 0400 . – cnp01317199
Firmicus Maternus, Julius
[Persona] . – 1690 - 1762 . – cnp01912954
Gagliardi, Rosario
[Persona] . – 1789 - 1866 . – cnp02263204
Granger, Amos Phelps
[Persona] . – -269 - -216 . – cnp02450763
Gélon, II, tyran de Syracuse
Ibn Ḥamdīs, ʿAbd al-Ǧabbār ibn Abī Bakr
[Persona] . – 1055 - 1133 . – cnp01381949
Ibn Ḥamdīs, ʿAbd al-Ǧabbār ibn Abī Bakr