accessing the record of Europe's book heritage
Boner, Benjamin
[Person] . – cnp00473739
Crugerius, Bartholomaeus
[Person] . – 1593 - . – cnp01119089
Elber, Jakob
[Person] . – 1593 - . – cnp01120223
Fabricius, Johannes
[Person] . – 1597 - . – cnp01120776
Fers, Bartholomaeus
[Person] . – 1593 - . – cnp01121027
Fistritzer, Andreas
[Person] . – 1592 - 1593 . – cnp01121183
Fleck, Georg
[Person] . – 1555 - 1613 . – cnp00362353
Flöring, Henning
[Person] . – 1590 - 1595 . – cnp01121240
Francus, Valentin
[Person] . – 1585 - 1600 . – cnp01121423
Freisleben, Tobias
[Person] . – 1592 - 1593 . – cnp01121480
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