accessing the record of Europe's book heritage
[Person] . – 1868 - 1938 . – cnp02249967
Brockhusen, Eberhard ¬von¬
[Person] . – 1788 - 1873 . – cnp02179258
Clotz, Heinrich Anton
[Person] . – 1696 - . – cnp00438023
Fresenius, Franz Wolrad
[Person] . – 1645 - 1716 . – cnp02357080
Fresenius, Franz Wolrad
[Person] . – 1883 - 1967 . – cnp02035224
Gennrich, Friedrich
[Person] . – 1784 - 1851 . – cnp00550474
Glaeser, Gotthelf Leberecht
[Person] . – 1784 - 1851 . – cnp01955461
Gläser, Gotthelf Lebrecht
[Person] . – 1666 - 1746 . – cnp02198114
Hindenberg, Christoph
[Person] . – 1654 - 1695 . – cnp02180746
Justus, Johann Christoph