accessing the record of Europe's book heritage
Bussius, Joachim
[Person] . – 1600 - 1699 . – cnp02139741
Calow, Georg
[Person] . – cnp02136580
Hagen, David
[Person] . – 1650 - . – cnp02136830
Happe, Joachim
[Person] . – 1650 - . – cnp02136848
Heineccius, Johann Christian Gottlieb
[Person] . – 1718 - 1791 . – cnp00293849
Hoffmann, Bernhard
[Person] . – 1668 - . – cnp02403533
Stryk, Christian
[Person] . – 1663 - 1677 . – cnp02139367
Stryk, Elias
[Person] . – 1595 - 1677 . – cnp00422315
Stryk, Elias August
[Person] . – - 1733 . – cnp00377414
Stryk, Johann Samuel
[Person] . – 1668 - 1715 . – cnp02234720
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