accessing the record of Europe's book heritage
Christen, Nikolaus
[Person] . – 1528 - . – cnp01118372
Clavus, Georg
[Person] . – 1520 - . – cnp01118534
Forrer, Joseph
[Person] . – 1528 - . – cnp01121328
Gast, Hiob
[Person] . – 1525 - 1544 . – cnp01303298
Goropius, Johannes
[Person] . – 1580 - . – cnp01122660
Grat, Alexius
[Person] . – 1528 - . – cnp01122768
Hiersdorfer, Johannes
[Person] . – 1520 - . – cnp01124480
Hornburg, Johannes
[Person] . – 1520 - 1576 . – cnp01124903
Kervilus, Nicolas
[Person] . – 1557 - . – cnp01103333
Knauer, Georg
[Person] . – 1520 - . – cnp01103614
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