accessing the record of Europe's book heritage
Baudis, Andreas
[Person] . – 1557 - 1615 . – cnp01014837
Burckhaus, Nikolaus von
[Person] . – 1582 - . – cnp01117738
Burckhaus, Nikolaus ¬von¬
Camper, Nicolaus
[Person] . – 1581 - . – cnp01117969
Grave, Ludwig
[Person] . – 1547 - 1615 . – cnp00287106
Matthias, Thomas
[Person] . – 1570 - . – cnp01105799
Möller, Vinzenz
[Person] . – 1580 - 1589 . – cnp01106560
Reusner, Crispinus
[Person] . – 1582 - . – cnp01109975
Rheder, Matthias
[Person] . – 1499 - 1579 . – cnp01274469
Schalling, Georg
[Person] . – 1583 - . – cnp00364005
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