accessing the record of Europe's book heritage
Cranach, Lucas
[Person] . – 1515 - 1586 . – cnp01346943
Falckenburg, Jacob von
[Person] . – 1501 - 1559 . – cnp01878955
Falckenburg, Jacob ¬von¬
Rhauw, Balthasar
[Person] . – 1645 - 1709 . – cnp00630346
Schurff, Anna
[Person] . – 1544 - 1622 . – cnp02330709
Schurff, Hieronymus
[Person] . – 1481 - 1554 . – cnp00355126
Simon, Martin
[Person] . – 1553 - 1562 . – cnp01112590
Šp n, Vavřinec
[Person] . – 1553 - . – cnp01116767
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