accessing the record of Europe's book heritage
Arps, Johann Friedrich Nikolaus
[Person] . – 1780 - 1841 . – cnp02077947
Arps, Johann Friedrich Nikolaus
[Person] . – 1637 - 1707 . – cnp01431002
Buxtehude, Dietrich
[Person] . – 1778 - 1829 . – cnp01016572
Carstens, Karl Friedrich
Dornstrauch, Theodor Friedrich
[Person] . – 1720 - 1722 . – cnp02242977
Dornstrauch, Theodor Friedrich
Fischer, Johann Georg Christian
[Person] . – 1730 - 1734 . – cnp02188058
Fischer, Johann Georg Christian
[Person] . – 1771 - 1832 . – cnp01989707
Hagelstein, Franz Daniel
[Person] . – 1733 - 1805 . – cnp01504553
Hensler, Philipp Gabriel