accessing the record of Europe's book heritage
[Person] . – 1600 - . – cnp01941947
Becken, Jacob ¬van der¬
[Person] . – 1826 - 1915 . – cnp01942584
Epping, Wilhelm Diedrich
Galen zu Assen, Franz Wilhelm von
[Person] . – 1648 - 1716 . – cnp02307721
Galen zu Assen, Franz Wilhelm ¬von¬
[Person] . – 1775 - 1843 . – cnp01943052
Gruben, Otto Christian ¬von¬
Gustav Gustavsson, von Wasaburg, Graf
[Person] . – 1616 - 1653 . – cnp01943473
Gustav Gustavsson, von Wasaburg, Graf
[Person] . – 1748 - . – cnp01416237
Hahn, Friedrich Christian