accessing the record of Europe's book heritage
Adolay, Caspar
[Person] . – 1771 - 1853 . – cnp00099605
Amann, Heinrich
[Person] . – 1785 - 1849 . – cnp01077515
Ashauer, Johannes
[Person] . – 1660 - 1732 . – cnp02214673
Augu, Henri
[Person] . – cnp01904612
Aße, Andreas
[Person] . – 1820 - 1821 . – cnp02213083
Backius, Christophorus
[Person] . – - 1669 . – cnp02072961
Bader, Matthaeus
[Person] . – 1550 - 1598 . – cnp02293728
Bagnato, Johann Caspar
[Person] . – 1696 - 1757 . – cnp01320962
Becht, Johann Adam
[Person] . – 1789 - 1866 . – cnp02214298
Bentabole, Pierre
[Person] . – 1756 - 1798 . – cnp01306953
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