accessing the record of Europe's book heritage
Albinus, Anton
[Person] . – cnp02273004
Anthes, Johann Adam
[Person] . – 1789 - 1843 . – cnp02214409
[Person] . – cnp02273005
[Person] . – cnp02273006
Bechtheim, Ulrich von
[Person] . – cnp02273430
Bechtheim, Ulrich ¬von¬
Becker, Jakob, von Idstein
[Person] . – cnp02273229
Berger, Philipp
[Person] . – cnp02273013
Bode, Friedrich von
[Person] . – 1708 - 1741 . – cnp00689892
Bode, Friedrich ¬von¬
Braun, Johann
[Person] . – cnp02273023
Brun, Jakob
[Person] . – cnp02273230
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