accessing the record of Europe's book heritage
Bokelmann, Hermann
[Person] . – 1590 - 1597 . – cnp01116903
Busch, Anton
[Person] . – 1594 - . – cnp01117772
Gerstenberger, Matthaeus
[Person] . – 1594 - . – cnp01122293
Klenweg, Michael
[Person] . – 1594 - . – cnp01103541
Leonysius, Paul
[Person] . – 1594 - . – cnp01104593
Possel, Heinrich
[Person] . – 1573 - 1604 . – cnp00493489
Sumius, Michael
[Person] . – 1573 - 1616 . – cnp01099278
Wopersnow, Joachim
[Person] . – 1594 - . – cnp01116331
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