accessing the record of Europe's book heritage
Benz, Joseph
[Person] . – 1553 - 1562 . – cnp01110466
Dierbach, Kaspar
[Person] . – 1518 - 1555 . – cnp01119546
Fischer, Kilian
[Person] . – 1563 - 1583 . – cnp01121163
Friedlieb, Paul
[Person] . – 1567 - . – cnp01121616
Herrenschmid, Eberhard
[Person] . – cnp00894711
Huber, Johannes Martin
[Person] . – 1562 - 1569 . – cnp01125033
Hugelius, Johannes
[Person] . – 1586 - . – cnp01125074
Kaltenstein, Wenzeslaus von
[Person] . – 1563 - 1593 . – cnp01103104
Kirchmeir, Bernhard
[Person] . – 1563 - . – cnp01103443
Lotitius, Christian
[Person] . – 1548 - . – cnp01105038
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