accessing the record of Europe's book heritage
Albrecht Friedrich, Preußen, Herzog
[Persoon] . – 1553 - 1618 . – cnp00551346
Albrecht Friedrich, Preußen, Herzog
[Persoon] . – 1657 - 1675 . – cnp02169533
Kospoth, Karl Ferdinand ¬von¬
[Persoon] . – 1812 - 1898 . – cnp02212430
Scheffer, Ewald ¬von¬
Schwarzenberg, Georg Wilhelm zu
[Persoon] . – 1637 - 1674 . – cnp01938086
Schwarzenberg, Georg Wilhelm ¬zu¬
Schwarzenberg, Johann Onophrius zu
[Persoon] . – 1600 - 1653 . – cnp01938109
Schwarzenberg, Johann Onophrius ¬zu¬
Schwarzenberg, Wilhelm Balthasar zu
[Persoon] . – 1580 - 1639 . – cnp01938083
Schwarzenberg, Wilhelm Balthasar ¬zu¬
[Persoon] . – 1798 - . – cnp02075167
Schäffer, Karl Friedrich