accessing the record of Europe's book heritage
Aken, Hendrik van
[Imprint Name] . – 1794 - 1899 . – cni00037131
Aken, Hendrik ¬van¬
Broekhuysen, Jan
[Imprint Name] . – cni00016343
Byl, Jan
[Imprint Name] . – cni00101040
De Vries, Pieter
[Imprint Name] . – 1760 - 1840 . – cni00107132
[Imprint Name] . – cni00016483
Experto Credo Roberto
[Imprint Name] . – cni00017687
Graaf, de
[Imprint Name] . – cni00017945
Groen-kaas, Jouwke
[Imprint Name] . – cni00017440
Groot en comp., Jan
[Imprint Name] . – cni00037302
Houten, van
[Imprint Name] . – cni00018443
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