accessing the record of Europe's book heritage
Coelius, Michael
[Person] . – 1622 - 1631 . – cnp01007453
Fürstenow, Magnus
[Person] . – cnp01278728
Gütheraeus, Johann
[Person] . – 1629 - 1629 . – cnp00882939
Hermann, de Massow
[Person] . – 1360 - . – cnp02353541
Kameke, Heinrich Ferdinand
[Person] . – 1803 - . – cnp02270948
Neophanius, Johannes
[Person] . – 1614 - . – cnp02140036
Nifanius, Johann
[Person] . – 1591 - 1667 . – cnp00443915
Schermer, Gregor
[Person] . – - 1663 . – cnp00614032
Stolle, Joachim
[Person] . – 1615 - 1668 . – cnp02359650
Wichmann, Heinrich
[Person] . – 1895 - 1911 . – cnp02189388
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