accessing the record of Europe's book heritage
Barnes, Joseph
[Imprint Name] . – 1546 - 1618 . – cni00009038
Bartlett and Hinton
[Imprint Name] . – cni00110679
Baskett, John
[Imprint Name] . – 1666 - 1742 . – cni00029192
Baskett, Mark, imprimeur
[Imprint Name] . – 1700 - 1799 . – cni00008016
Baskett, Thomas
[Imprint Name] . – 1700 - 1761 . – cni00006945
Bennet, Thomas
[Imprint Name] . – 1665 - 1706 . – cni00009081
Clements, Henry
[Imprint Name] . – 1680 - 1719 . – cni00071450
Crosley, John
[Imprint Name] . – 1669 - . – cni00072150
Daniel Prince
[Imprint Name] . – 1764 - . – cni00110914
Davis, Richard
[Imprint Name] . – 1661 - 1662 . – cni00072070
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