accessing the record of Europe's book heritage
Brühl, Georg Philipp
[Person] . – 1751 - 1821 . – cnp01946999
Crato, Nicolaus
[Person] . – 1613 - 1620 . – cnp00440952
Draudt, August
[Person] . – 1816 - 1894 . – cnp01165353
Erben, Nikolaus
[Person] . – cnp01949475
Gernand, Philip Christian
[Person] . – 1655 - 1663 . – cnp02020057
Gernand, Philipp Daniel
[Person] . – 1616 - 1666 . – cnp00381984
Hensel, Theodor
[Person] . – 1593 - . – cnp02124295
Ketzel, Wolfgang
[Person] . – cnp00527927
Melchior, Johann
[Person] . – 1646 - 1689 . – cnp00597086
Neben, Konrad
[Person] . – cnp01947559
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