accessing the record of Europe's book heritage
Behem, Jakob
[Person] . – 1592 - 1594 . – cnp01109199
Danebeck, Georg
[Person] . – 1578 - 1594 . – cnp01119307
Grandwehr, Johannes
[Person] . – 1594 - . – cnp01122747
Kornberger, Christoph
[Person] . – cnp01103789
Scherdiger, Abel
[Person] . – 1525 - 1605 . – cnp01111351
Schubhardt, Hans
[Person] . – 1594 - . – cnp01111992
Schwarzenburg, Wilhelm I. von
[Person] . – 1592 - 1594 . – cnp01112153
Schwarzenburg, Wilhelm I. ¬von¬
Stephan, Lorenz
[Person] . – 1593 - . – cnp01066553
Wieland, Johannes
[Person] . – 1591 - 1594 . – cnp01115890
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