accessing the record of Europe's book heritage
Berbesdorff, Godefried von
[Person] . – 1585 - 1586 . – cnp01110521
Berbesdorff, Godefried ¬von¬
Brandmüller, Johannes
[Person] . – 1533 - 1596 . – cnp01303227
Hohenbuch, Alexander
[Person] . – 1590 - . – cnp01124752
Kapaum, Wenzeslaus
[Person] . – 1586 - . – cnp01103126
Keller, Isaak
[Person] . – 1583 - 1587 . – cnp01103242
Knichen, Andreas
[Person] . – 1560 - 1621 . – cnp01876340
Krefting, Johann
[Person] . – 1586 - 1591 . – cnp01103889
Martini, Andreas
[Person] . – 1588 - . – cnp01105678
Molitor, Johannes
[Person] . – 1561 - 1631 . – cnp01106509
Pötter, Peter von
[Person] . – 1591 - 1593 . – cnp01109343
Pötter, Peter ¬von¬
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