accessing the record of Europe's book heritage
[Person] . – 1784 - 1844 . – cnp01940996
Albrecht, Charlotte
[Person] . – 1811 - 1860 . – cnp02021603
Dammers, Carl Otto
[Person] . – 1818 - 1901 . – cnp01942559
Dassel, Hermann ¬von¬
Fontheim, August Wilhelm Christian
[Person] . – 1802 - 1884 . – cnp02327929
Fontheim, August Wilhelm Christian
Hinüber, Wilhelm Justus Julius von
[Person] . – 1797 - 1889 . – cnp02075544
Hinüber, Wilhelm Justus Julius ¬von¬
[Person] . – 1761 - 1816 . – cnp01943742
Horst, Erdwin ¬von der¬