Short-Title Catalogue Netherlands

The Dutch National Bibliography up to 1801

Logo of the STCN

's Compagnies Drukkerij

STCN ID134962230
Names's Compagnies Drukkerij [preferred name]
's Compagnies Boekdrukkerij [variant name]
's Compagnies Boek-drukkerye [variant name]
's Compagnies Gewoone Druckery [variant name]
Place of activityColombo (1737-1780)
Last Edit2019-02-20 18:12:03

's Compagnies Drukkerij

STCN ID134962230
Names's Compagnies Drukkerij [preferred name]
's Compagnies Boekdrukkerij [variant name]
's Compagnies Boek-drukkerye [variant name]
's Compagnies Gewoone Druckery [variant name]
Place of activityColombo (1737-1780)
Last Edit2019-02-20 18:12:03