Short-Title Catalogue Netherlands

The Dutch National Bibliography up to 1801

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Trew, Christoph Jacob

STCN ID144838265
NamesTrew, Christoph Jacob [complete name]
Trew, Christoph Jakob [variant name]
Trew, Christophorus Jacobus [variant name]
Treu, Christoph Jakob [variant name]
Biographical dates1695-1769
General NoteNürnberger arts
Other identifiern82250570 [Library of Congress]
Last Edit2016-12-26 10:02:51

Trew, Christoph Jacob

STCN ID144838265
NamesTrew, Christoph Jacob [complete name]
Trew, Christoph Jakob [variant name]
Trew, Christophorus Jacobus [variant name]
Treu, Christoph Jakob [variant name]
Biographical dates1695-1769
General NoteNürnberger arts
Other identifiern82250570 [Library of Congress]
Last Edit2016-12-26 10:02:51