Short-Title Catalogue Netherlands

The Dutch National Bibliography up to 1801

Logo of the STCN

Dering, Edward

STCN ID068230729
NamesDering, Edward [complete name]
Deering, Edward [variant name]
Deringe, Edward [variant name]
Biographical dates1540?-1576
General Noteprotestants theoloog
Other identifierno91018918 [Library of Congress]
Last Edit2020-06-18 13:30:51

Dering, Edward

STCN ID068230729
NamesDering, Edward [complete name]
Deering, Edward [variant name]
Deringe, Edward [variant name]
Biographical dates1540?-1576
General Noteprotestants theoloog
Other identifierno91018918 [Library of Congress]
Last Edit2020-06-18 13:30:51