Short-Title Catalogue Netherlands

The Dutch National Bibliography up to 1801

Logo of the STCN

Smallegange, Mattheus

STCN ID068074387
NamesSmallegange, Mattheus [complete name]
M.S. [variant name]
S., M. [variant name]
Smallegange, M. [variant name]
Biographical dates1624-1710
General Note
Other identifiern83224523 [Library of Congress]
NA023223 [PVKT Id]
Last Edit2021-01-05 16:29:12

Smallegange, Mattheus

STCN ID068074387
NamesSmallegange, Mattheus [complete name]
M.S. [variant name]
S., M. [variant name]
Smallegange, M. [variant name]
Biographical dates1624-1710
General Note
Other identifiern83224523 [Library of Congress]
NA023223 [PVKT Id]
Last Edit2021-01-05 16:29:12