Short-Title Catalogue Netherlands

The Dutch National Bibliography up to 1801

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Die aldervermaertste antique edificien vā templē, theatrē [...] archē triūphal. &c. / [By Sebastianus Serlius. ; Translated by P. Coecke van Aelst]

Hantwerpen, printed by [= for] P. Coeck van Aelst printed by G. van diest , April 1546

2 Copies. — STCN ID: 334177057

Die aldervermaertste antique edificien vā templē, theatrē [...] archē triūphal. &c. / [By Sebastianus Serlius. ; Translated by P. Coecke van Aelst]
Reglen van metselrijen, op de vijue manieren van edificien, te wetene, Thuscana, Dorica, Ionica, Corinthia, en̄ composita. / (By Sebastiaen Serlius. ; Translated by P. Coecke van Aelst)
sample page

Den eersten [-vijfsten] boeck van architecturen. / By Sebastianus Serlius. ; Translated from the Italian into Dutch by P. Coecke van Aelst

Thantwerpen, sold by M. verhulst, wed. P. Coeke van Aelst, 1553

3 Copies. — STCN ID: 397688288

Den eersten [-vijfsten] boeck van architecturen. / By Sebastianus Serlius. ; Translated from the Italian into Dutch by P. Coecke van Aelst
Compertimentorvm qvod vocant mvltiplex genvs lepidissimis historiolis poetarvmqve fabellis ornatvm. / [Engraved by P. van der Heyden]
Veelderleij veranderinghe van grotissen ende compertimenten ghemaect tot dienste van alle die de conste beminnē ende ghebruiken. : 2 parts. / Designed by Cornelis Floris. ; [Engraved by J. and/or L. van Doetecum]
Veelderhande cierlijcke compertementen profitelijck voor schilders goutsmeden beeldtsnijders ende ander constenaren. / Designed by Jaques Floris. ; Engraved by H. Muller
sample page

[Architectura. / By Johannes Vredeman de Vries]

Thantwerpen, H. Cock, (part 2: 1565; part 3: [wed. H. Cock], 1578)

2 Copies. — STCN ID: 334253551

[Architectura. / By Johannes Vredeman de Vries]

Emblemata. / By Adrianus Junius. ; Translated into Dutch by M.A.G. [= M.A. van Diest]

Antwerpen, printed by C. Plantin, 1567

2 Copies. — STCN ID: 428273599

Emblemata. / By Adrianus Junius. ; Translated into Dutch by M.A.G. [= M.A. van Diest]
Architectvra oder Bauung der Antiquen auss dem Vitruuius, wœllches sein funff Collummen orden : [5 parts]. / By Johannes Vredeman Vriesae

Emblemata. / By Andreas Alciatus. ; Annotated by C. Mignault

Lvgdvni Batavorvm, ex off. C. Plantini, 1584

3 Copies. — STCN ID: 058714235

Emblemata. / By Andreas Alciatus. ; Annotated by C. Mignault