Short-Title Catalogue Netherlands

The Dutch National Bibliography up to 1801

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9 Hits

A worke of the beast or A relation of a most vnchristian censure, executed vpon Iohn Lilbvrne [...] the 18 of aprill 1638. With the heavenly speech vttered by him

The poore mans cry. Wherein is shevved the present miserable estate of mee Iohn Lilbvrne [...] prisoner in the fleete

Published by a backe friend of the English popish prelates, 1639

1 Copies. — STCN ID: 217241662

The poore mans cry. Wherein is shevved the present miserable estate of mee Iohn Lilbvrne [...] prisoner in the fleete
Come out of her my people: or An answer to the questions of a gentlevvoman [...] about hearing the publicke ministers. / By John Lilburne
Missive van L. col. Iohn Lilbvrne aen sijn waerde lieve huys-vrouwe [...] verclarende de waere redenen ende gronden, die hem genootsaeckt hebben [...] sijn apologie aende Nederlander te maken
As you were or Lord general Cromwel and the grand officers of the armie their remembrancer. / By John Lilburne
Apologetisch verhael nopende d'onwettelijcke ende ongerechtige sententie vande verbeurte van 7000 pondt sterlinghs end' eeuwigh bannissement [...] door't Parlement van Englandt. = Apologetical narration, relateing to his illegal & unjust sentence. / By John Lilburn
Een ontdeckinge van de rechte grondt-oorsaeck der jonghst-geledene gelt-straffe, bannissement en jegenwoordige strenge proceduren tegens lieut. col. John Lilburne. / (By John Lilburne et al.). ; Translated from the English
L. colonel John Lilburne revived. Shewing the cause of his late long silence [...] giveing light into the unvvorthy practises of the English Grandees. / [By John Lilburne]
Een declaratie defensive vanden col: liev: Ioan Lilbvrne, tegen het onrecht veerdigh banissement by het gedissipeerde Engelsch parlament gevvesen, vvt de stadt Brugghe in Vlaendren den 14 mey 1653. = A defencive declaration, of L. col: Iohn Lilbvrne against the vnjust sentence of his banishment