Short-Title Catalogue Netherlands

The Dutch National Bibliography up to 1801

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Den getrouwen vriend die de zieke bezoekt en vertroost, en de stervende bystaet en bestiert. / By Joannes Stassin. ; Translated from the French into the Dutch by J.B.K*** [= J.B. Kips]
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Tractatus politico-medicus de dysenteria in genere. / By J.C. Jacobs

Rotterodami, typ. J. van Beman, Lovanii, prost. apud L.J. Urban, Bruxellis, apud M. Le Maire bibl., 1784

1 Copies. — STCN ID: 314631747

Tractatus politico-medicus de dysenteria in genere. / By J.C. Jacobs