Short-Title Catalogue Netherlands

The Dutch National Bibliography up to 1801

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2 Hits

De kragt der zonde, en hoe de wet de kragt is van dezelve, geopent [...] in verscheide predikatien [...] uit I Cor. XV: 56. / By Ralph Erskine. ; Translated from the English by J. Ross
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Christus het verbondt des volks, over Jez. XLII: 6 : and other works. / By Ralph Erskine. ; Translated from the English by J. Ross. Preface by T. van der Groe

2nd impression. — Rotterdam, H. van Pelt and A. Douci p-z. booksellers, 1765

3 Copies. — STCN ID: 213806622

Christus het verbondt des volks, over Jez. XLII: 6 : and other works. / By Ralph Erskine. ; Translated from the English by J. Ross. Preface by T. van der Groe