Short-Title Catalogue Netherlands

The Dutch National Bibliography up to 1801

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Exercitationis philosopicæ, continentis notas in diatriben de ideis innatis, pars secunda. / By Barnardus Brouwer. ; Praes.: G. de Vries
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Exercitatio physiologica, de aestu maris. / By Bernardus Brouwer. ; Praes.: J. Luyts

Trajecti ad Rhenum, ex off. F. Halma typ., 1697

1 Copies. — STCN ID: 373732961

Exercitatio physiologica, de aestu maris. / By Bernardus Brouwer. ; Praes.: J. Luyts
Disputatio theologica de foederis ad Horeb obsignatione & confirmatione. / By Bernhardus Brouwer. ; Praes.: J. van der Waeyen