Short-Title Catalogue Netherlands

The Dutch National Bibliography up to 1801

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Traité curieux des serins de canarie [...]. = Naaukeurige verhandeling van de kanarivogels. / By J.C. Hervieux. ; Translated from the French by A. Moubach
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Naaukeurige verhandeling der kanarivogels. / By J.C. Hervieux. ; Translated from the French by A. Moubach

Amsteldam, A. van Damme bookseller, 1717

2 Copies. — STCN ID: 333027809

Naaukeurige verhandeling der kanarivogels. / By J.C. Hervieux. ; Translated from the French by A. Moubach
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Naaukeurige verhandeling der kanarivogels. / By J.C. Hervieux. ; Translated from the French by A. Mosbach

2nd impression. — Amsteldam, J. ter Beek bookseller, 1737

2 Copies. — STCN ID: 163405344

Naaukeurige verhandeling der kanarivogels. / By J.C. Hervieux. ; Translated from the French by A. Mosbach