Short-Title Catalogue Netherlands

The Dutch National Bibliography up to 1801

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Extraordinarisse gheschiedenissen raeckende de bichte qualyck ghedaen. / By Christophorus de Vega. ; Translated into Dutch by Eenen pater vande carthuysers after the Italian and French translation of the Spanish
Extraordinarische geschiedenissen aengaende de quaede biechten. / By Christophorus de Vega. ; Translated into Dutch by A. Le Febure after the French translation of the Spanish
Extra ordinarische geschiedenissen aengaende de quaede biechten. / By Christophorus de Vega. ; Translated into Dutch by A. Le Febure after the French translation of the Spanish
Extraordinarische gheschiedenissen aengaende de quaede biechten. / By Christophorus de Vega. ; Translated into Dutch by A. Le Febure after the French translation of the Spanish
sample page

Extraordinaire geschiedenissen aangaande de kwade biegten. / By Christophorus de Vega. ; Translated into Dutch by A. Le Febure after the French translation

6th enlarged impression. — 'sBosch, sold by J. Coppens, [not before 1790]

1 Copies. — STCN ID: 412827980

Extraordinaire geschiedenissen aangaande de kwade biegten. / By Christophorus de Vega. ; Translated into Dutch by A. Le Febure after the French translation