Short-Title Catalogue Netherlands

The Dutch National Bibliography up to 1801

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De rebus gestis ab Alphonso primo, Neapolitanorum rege, commentariorum libri X. / By Bartholomæus Facius. ; Corrected edition by J.M. Brutus

Corrected enlarged edition. — Lugduni Batavorum, sumpt. P. vander Aa, [c. 1723]

7 Copies. — STCN ID: 240126491

De rebus gestis ab Alphonso primo, Neapolitanorum rege, commentariorum libri X. / By Bartholomæus Facius. ; Corrected edition by J.M. Brutus
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Historiæ Florentinæ, libri octo. / By Joannes Michael Brutus

Corrected enlarged edition. — Lugduni Batavorum, sumpt. P. vander Aa, [c. 1723]

8 Copies. — STCN ID: 240112407

Historiæ Florentinæ, libri octo. / By Joannes Michael Brutus