The Dutch National Bibliography up to 1801
Confessionale pro scholasticis et aliis multum utile. / By Johannes de Garlandia
[Gouda, G. de Os, not before 1486]
1 Copies. — STCN ID: 101777183
Doctrinale [pars I]. / By Alexander de Villa Dei. ; Annotated by W. Zenders de Wert
[Gouda, printer of Opus minus, 1488]
1 Copies. — STCN ID: 101778791
Doctrinale [pars II]. / By Alexander de Villa Dei. ; Annotated by W. Zenders de Wert
Gouda, [printer of Opus Minus], 16 Sept. 1488
1 Copies. — STCN ID: 101780427