The Dutch National Bibliography up to 1801
Amšt̥erdam, printed by Yehudah ben Mordekay and Šemuʾel bar Mošeh Ha-levi, [5]408 [1648]
1 Copies. — STCN ID: 099503484
Sefer berit menuẖah. / By Avraham Marimon
Amśt̥erdam, printed by Yehudah ben Mordeḵay and Šemuʾel bar Mošeh Ha-levi, [5]408 [1648]
1 Copies. — STCN ID: 099508540
Maʾamar yonat elem. / By M♭ [= Menahem Azariah da Fano]
Amśt̥erdam, printed by Yehudah ben Mordeḵay and Šemuʾel bar Mošeh Ha-levi, [5]408 [1648]
1 Copies. — STCN ID: 099508990
Peruš ♭al ha-masorah. / By Ya♭aqov ben Yiẕẖaq
Amśt̥erdam, printed by Yehudah ben Mordeḵay and Šemuʾel bar Mošeh Ha-levi [5]410 [1649]
1 Copies. — STCN ID: 099511134
Sefer ♭aśarah maʾamarot. / By Menaẖem ♭Imanuʾel
Beʾamśt̥erdam, printed by Yehudah ben Mordeḵay and Šemuʾel bar Mošeh Ha-levi, [5]409 [1649]
2 Copies. — STCN ID: 099509520
[Seder tefillah mikkol ha-šanah. / Translated into Yiddish by Avigdor Sofer of Eisenstadt]
[Amsterdam, Judah ben Mordecai Gimpel and Samuel bar Moses Halevi, 1650]
1 Copies. — STCN ID: 099936119
Amśt̥erdam, printed by Yehuda ben Mordeḵay and Šemuʾel bar Mošeh Ha-levi, [5]410 [1650]
1 Copies. — STCN ID: 099510812
Libellus effigiei, templi Salomonis. / By Jacobus Leonitius
Amstelodami, apud Levi Marcus, 1650 (Hebrew title-page: Yehudah ben Mordeḵay and Šemuʾel ben Mošeh Halevi, [5]410 [1650])
6 Copies. — STCN ID: 114130892
Amśt̥erdam, printed by Yehuda ben Mordeḵay and Šamuʾel bar Mošeh Ha-levi, [5]411 [1651]
1 Copies. — STCN ID: 099508168