Short-Title Catalogue Netherlands

The Dutch National Bibliography up to 1801

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Epicedivm in obitum reverendi [...] Balthasaris Lydii. / (By Joannes Westerburg)

Durdrechti, typ. vid. P. Verhaghen, 1629

1 Copies. — STCN ID: 127738592

Epicedivm in obitum reverendi [...] Balthasaris Lydii. / (By Joannes Westerburg)
Catalogus primvs illustris bibliothecæ [...] D. Balthazaris Lydii [...] quorum auctio habebitur Durdrechti in ædibus defuncti anno MDC. XXIX
Catalogvs van verscheydē uytnemende Duytsche, Hooghduytsche ende Engelsche boecken, uyt de bibliotheke van D. Balthazar Lydivs [...]. Waer van de auctie ghehouden sal werden in de Hof-straet ten huyse vande erf-genamen
Catalogus secvndvs illustris bibliothecæ [...] D. Balthazaris Lydii [...] quorum auctio habebitur Durdrechti in ædibus defuncti anno MDC. XXX
D'oude chronijcke ende historien van Holland (met West-Vriesland) van Zeeland ende van Wtrecht. / Corrected enlarged edition by W. van Gouthoeven