Short-Title Catalogue Netherlands

The Dutch National Bibliography up to 1801

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98 Hits

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t'Eyland Ceylon in sijn binnenste, of't koningrijck Candy. / By Robert Knox. ; Translated by S. de Vries

Utrecht, W. Broedelet bookseller, 1692

14 Copies. — STCN ID: 833170198

t'Eyland Ceylon in sijn binnenste, of't koningrijck Candy. / By Robert Knox. ; Translated by S. de Vries

De ritu sacrarum ecclesiæ veteris concionum. / By Bernardinus Ferrarius. ; Preface by J.G. Graevius

Ultrajecti, ex off. W. Broedelet, 1692

8 Copies. — STCN ID: 067220894

De ritu sacrarum ecclesiæ veteris concionum. / By Bernardinus Ferrarius. ; Preface by J.G. Graevius
Historie van de bedriegeryen der priesteren en monicken in de roomsche kercke. / By Gabriel d'Emilliane [pseudonym of Antonio Gavin]. ; Translated by H. van Quellenburg
De mortibus persecutorum. / By Lucius Caecilius Firmianus Lactantius. ; Annotated by E. Baluze et al. 2nd enlarged edition by P. Bauldry
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Compendium juris juxta seriem Pandectarum. / By Johannes Voet P.F.G.N

2nd corrected edition. — Ultraj. ad Rhenum, apud G. Broedelet, 1693

1 Copies. — STCN ID: 314223797

Compendium juris juxta seriem Pandectarum. / By Johannes Voet P.F.G.N

Dissertatio de vita Fl. Mallii Theodori. / By Albertus Petrus Paulli F. Rubenius

Ultrajecti, ex off. G. Broedelet, 1694

4 Copies. — STCN ID: 067189881

Dissertatio de vita Fl. Mallii Theodori. / By Albertus Petrus Paulli F. Rubenius
Harpocrates, sive Explicatio imagunculæ argentæ perantiquæ; quæ in figuram Harpocratis formata representat solem. / By Gisb. Cuperus
Origines sacræ, of heilige oorsprongkelykheden, zynde een redelijk bewijs van de gronden des christelijken geloofs. / By Eduard Stillingfleet. ; Translated from the English by J. Ubelman

Physiologia, sive De natura rerum libri sex. / By Daniel Voet. ; Annotated by G. de Vries

3rd edition. — Trajecti ad Rhenvm, ex off. G. Broedelet, 1694

3 Copies. — STCN ID: 066813344

Physiologia, sive De natura rerum libri sex. / By Daniel Voet. ; Annotated by G. de Vries

Exercitationes in optimos fere auctores Græcos. / By Jacobus Palmerius a Grentemesnil

Trajecti ad Rhenum, ex off. G. Broedelet, 1694

3 Copies. — STCN ID: 078334624

Exercitationes in optimos fere auctores Græcos. / By Jacobus Palmerius a Grentemesnil