Short-Title Catalogue Netherlands

The Dutch National Bibliography up to 1801

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29 Hits


Disputatio pneumatica de Deo. / By Johannes Wilhelmius. ; Praes.: W. Senguerdius

Lugduni Batavorum, apud A. Elzevier typ., 1690

1 Copies. — STCN ID: 064465454

Disputatio pneumatica de Deo. / By Johannes Wilhelmius. ; Praes.: W. Senguerdius
Disputatio theologica continens exegesin textus Zachariæ cap. III. vers. 9. &c. decimaquinta. / By Johannes Wilhelmius Wilh. fil. ; Praes.: J. à Marck

Disputatio theologica de origine sacrificiorum. Pars prima. / By Johannes Wilhelmius Wilh. fil. ; Praes.: J. Trigland

Lugduni Batavorum, apud A. Elzevier typ., 1692

1 Copies. — STCN ID: 212870289

Disputatio theologica de origine sacrificiorum. Pars prima. / By Johannes Wilhelmius Wilh. fil. ; Praes.: J. Trigland
Disputatio theologica de sacrificiorum origine. Pars secunda. / By Johannes Wilhelmius Wilh. fil. ; Praes.: J. Trigland

Disputatio theologica ad locum illustrem Proverb. VIII. 22. &c. / By Johannes Wilhelmius. ; Praes.: F. Spanheim

Lugduni Batavorum, apud A. Elzevier typ., 1693

1 Copies. — STCN ID: 204087872

Disputatio theologica ad locum illustrem Proverb. VIII. 22. &c. / By Johannes Wilhelmius. ; Praes.: F. Spanheim
Exercitatio historico-theologica de Ecclesiæ Græcæ et Orientalis a Romana et Papali perpetuâ in hunc diem dissensione. Pars III. / By Fridericus Spanhemius F.F. ; Def.: J. Wilhelmius
Algemene kerke en lants droefheyd, over't allerontydigst afsterven van William de III. [...]. Uytgedrukt in een lykreden. / By Johannes Wilhelmius
sample page

Kort opstel der christene gotsgeleertheit. / By Johannes à Marck. ; Compiled by J. Wilhelmius

Rotterdam, printed by N. Topyn, 1714

2 Copies. — STCN ID: 270080996

Kort opstel der christene gotsgeleertheit. / By Johannes à Marck. ; Compiled by J. Wilhelmius
sample page

Kort opstel der christene gotsgeleertheit. / By Johannes à Marck. ; Compiled by J. Wilhelmius

2nd corrected impression. — Rotterdam, printed by N. Topyn, 1720

6 Copies. — STCN ID: 227273125

Kort opstel der christene gotsgeleertheit. / By Johannes à Marck. ; Compiled by J. Wilhelmius
Verklaring van de brief van den apostel Paulus aan den Hebreen in hondert en vyf kerkredenen [...] uitgesproken. / By Paulus Hulsius. ; Edited by J. Wilhelmius