Short-Title Catalogue Netherlands

The Dutch National Bibliography up to 1801

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Poëma Gallicum, quo sapientissimo [...] Frederico II [...] professorem J:C: Gottsched condecorare collibuit. Et parodia Gallica, qua is ad regium illud carmen respondit. Utraque [...] ab eodem in Germanicos, atque ab NN. in Belgicos, ita nunc in Latinos quoque versus [...] translata ab Everhardo Kerkhoff
Carminis gallici, quo Fredericus II. magnus Borussorum rex ad quoddam [...] Voltaire carmen respondit. = Het Fransche gedicht, waar mee Fredrik II. de Groote koning van Pruyssen een zeker gedicht van [...] Voltaire beantwoord heeft. / Translated into Latin, German and Dutch by E. Kerkhoff
Bruilofts-dicht ter eere van het [...] huuwlyk van [...] Willem den V. [....] en [...] Frederica Sophia Wilhelmina, princesse van Pruyssen. / By and translated from the Latin into Dutch by Everhard Kerkhoff
Epithalamium, in honorem auspicatissimarum nuptiarum [...] Wilhelmi V. [...] atque [...] Fredericæ Sophiæ Wilhelminæ. / By Everhardus Kerkhoff