Short-Title Catalogue Netherlands

The Dutch National Bibliography up to 1801

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3 Hits

Brevis disqvisitio, an & quomodo vulgo dicti euangelici pontificios, ac nominatim Val. Magni de acatholicorum credendi regula judicium [...] refutare queant. / [By Joachim Stegmann]

De ivdice et norma controversiarum fidei libri II. / By Joach. Stegmanus

Eleutheropoli, typ. G. Philadelphi, 1644

3 Copies. — STCN ID: 085458538

De ivdice et norma controversiarum fidei libri II. / By Joach. Stegmanus
Twee boecken, van den rechter en het richtsnoer der geloofs-geschillen. / By Joach. Stegman. ; Translated from the Latin