Short-Title Catalogue Netherlands

The Dutch National Bibliography up to 1801

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De stemme des herders, ofte Gemeyne saemenspraeken van eenen pastoor met zyne parochiaenen voor alle de sondagen van t'jaer. / By Reguis. ; Translated from the French into Dutch by J.B. Kips
Den getrouwen vriend die de zieke bezoekt en vertroost, en de stervende bystaet en bestiert. / By Joannes Stassin. ; Translated from the French into the Dutch by J.B.K*** [= J.B. Kips]
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Formulæ quædam litterarum circa pastoralis curæ negotia. / By Joannes Baptista Kips

3rd corrected enlarged edition. — Mosæ Traject., apud Lekens, Leodii, apud J.F. Bassompierre, Lovanii, apud J.P.G. Michel [etc.], [1779]

6 Copies. — STCN ID: 186627181

Formulæ quædam litterarum circa pastoralis curæ negotia. / By Joannes Baptista Kips
Uytmuntende sermoonen op verscheyde sondagen, feest-dagen, soo als op verscheyde materien. / By Bourdalouë. ; Translated from the French into Dutch by J.B. Kips