Short-Title Catalogue Netherlands

The Dutch National Bibliography up to 1801

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Cort begriip der Institutie, of onderwijsinghe der christelicker religie, beschreven van Ioanne Calvino. / By Guilielmus Launeus. ; Translated from the Latin and annotated by J. de Raed
Cort begriip der Institutie, of onderwijsinge der christelicker religie [...] van Ioanne Calvino. / By Guilielmus Launeus. ; Translated from the Latin and ann. by J. de Raed
Kort begriip der Institutie, of onderwijsinge der christelijcker religie, beschreven van Joannes Calvinus. / By Guilielmus Launeus. ; Translated from the Latin into Dutch and ann. by J. de Raed
Kort begriip der Institutie, of onderwijsinge der christelijcker religie, beschreven van Joannes Calvinus. / By Guilielmus Launeus. ; Translated from the Latin into Dutch and ann. by J. de Raed