Short-Title Catalogue Netherlands

The Dutch National Bibliography up to 1801

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Vitæ philosophorvm. / By Diogenes Laertius et al

Corrected edition. — Lvgdvni Batavorvm, ex off. Plantiniana apud F. Raphelengium, 1596

3 Copies. — STCN ID: 115178406

Vitæ philosophorvm. / By Diogenes Laertius et al
De vitis, dogmatibus et apophthegmatibus clarorum philosophorum libri X. / By Diogenes Laertius. ; Annotated by I. Casaubonus et al. Translated into Latin by Ambrosius
Les vies des plus illustres philosophes de l'antiquité. / By Diogene Laërce. ; Translated from the Greek