Short-Title Catalogue Netherlands

The Dutch National Bibliography up to 1801

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1594 Hits

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Epistola anatomica, problematica septima [...] ad [...] Fredericum Ruyschium. / By Johannes Henricus Graetz

Amstelædami, apud Jansonio-Waesbergios, 1744

4 Copies. — STCN ID: 254930433

Epistola anatomica, problematica septima [...] ad [...] Fredericum Ruyschium. / By Johannes Henricus Graetz
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Epistola anatomica, problematica octava [...] ad [...] Fredericum Ruyschium. / By Johannes Henricus Graetz

Amstelædami, apud Jansonio-Waesbergios, 1744

4 Copies. — STCN ID: 254930727

Epistola anatomica, problematica octava [...] ad [...] Fredericum Ruyschium. / By Johannes Henricus Graetz
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Epistola anatomica, problematica nona [...] ad [...] Fredericum Ruyschium. / By Andreas Ottomar Goelicke

Amstelædami, apud Jansonio-Waesbergios, 1744

4 Copies. — STCN ID: 25493112X

Epistola anatomica, problematica nona [...] ad [...] Fredericum Ruyschium. / By Andreas Ottomar Goelicke
Catalogus van een considerable party. Print-boeken, losse printen [...] en een party hoorne en schulpen. Alles nagelaten door [...] J. vander Cost [...] Alle 'twelke verkogt zal werden in 'sHage op de Groote Zaal van 'tHof, door Mattheus Gaillard. Op woensdag den 20. october 1745. en volgende dagen

Tableau de l'amour conjugal, ou La génération de l'homme. : 4 parts. / By Nicolas Venette

Corrected enlarged edition. — Amsterdam, aux dépens de la compagnie, 1745

1 Copies. — STCN ID: 317637940

Tableau de l'amour conjugal, ou La génération de l'homme. : 4 parts. / By Nicolas Venette

Flora Gelro-Zutphanica exhibens plantas per ducatum Gelriæ et comitatum Zutphaniæ crescentes. / By David de Gorter Joh. Fil

Harderovici, 1745 (title-page 2*1: Hardervici, apud J. Moojen typ., 1757)

8 Copies. — STCN ID: 154235342

Flora Gelro-Zutphanica exhibens plantas per ducatum Gelriæ et comitatum Zutphaniæ crescentes. / By David de Gorter Joh. Fil
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Flora Svecica exhibens plantas per regnum Sveciæ crescentes. / By Carolus Linnaeus

Lugduni Batavorum, apud C. Wishoff and G.J. Wishoff fil. Conr., 1745

8 Copies. — STCN ID: 239310098

Flora Svecica exhibens plantas per regnum Sveciæ crescentes. / By Carolus Linnaeus
Redenkundige bedenkingen over het gebruik der deelen by menschen, dieren en planten, of natuur-kunde. : Part 3. / By Christiaan Wolff. ; Translated from the German by A.F. Marci
Regnum animale anatomice, physice, et philosophice perlustratum. : Part 3. / By Emanuel Swedenborg

Groot en algemeen kruidkundig, hoveniers, en bloemisten woordenboek. / By Philip Miller. ; Preface by A. van Royen. Translated from the English by J. van Eems

Leiden, P. vander Eyk and wed. J. vander Kluis P.Z., 1745 (colophon volume 2: printed by Van Damme)

15 Copies. — STCN ID: 204054982

Groot en algemeen kruidkundig, hoveniers, en bloemisten woordenboek. / By Philip Miller. ; Preface by A. van Royen. Translated from the English by J. van Eems