Short-Title Catalogue Netherlands

The Dutch National Bibliography up to 1801

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Disputatio theologica, de resvrrectione Christi. / By Quirinus Bosch. ; Praes.: J. Hoornbeek

Lvgdvni Batavorvm, ex off. C. Banheining, 1656

1 Copies. — STCN ID: 355218518

Disputatio theologica, de resvrrectione Christi. / By Quirinus Bosch. ; Praes.: J. Hoornbeek
Articulen van accoord gemaeckt den 1. iuly [...] wegen het overgeven der stadt Warsaw
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Haegsche weeckelijcke Mercurius, vervattende alle gedenckweerdigste advisen van Europa. / [Edited by Gerard Lodewijk van der Macht]

s'Gravenhage, for the author, printed by C. Calaminus, sold by H. Hondius (some colophons: printed by A. Pieters) ,1656-1658

4 Copies. — STCN ID: 334225817

Haegsche weeckelijcke Mercurius, vervattende alle gedenckweerdigste advisen van Europa. / [Edited by Gerard Lodewijk van der Macht]
Disputatio theologica anti-sociniana, de Christo servatore. Decima-tertia. / By Wesselus Verruhert. ; Praes.: J. Hoornbeek
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Disputatio theologica anti-sociniana, de Christo servatore. Decima-qvarta. / By Theodorus Beels. ; Praes.: J. Hoornbeek

Lvgdvni Batavorvm, apud J. Elzevirivm typ., 1656

1 Copies. — STCN ID: 420542744

Disputatio theologica anti-sociniana, de Christo servatore. Decima-qvarta. / By Theodorus Beels. ; Praes.: J. Hoornbeek
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Disputatio theologica anti-sociniana, de Christo servatore. Decima-qvinta. / By Engelbertus Sloot. ; Praes.: J. Hoornbeek

Lvgdvni Batavorvm, apud J. Elzevirivm typ., 1656

1 Copies. — STCN ID: 420542760

Disputatio theologica anti-sociniana, de Christo servatore. Decima-qvinta. / By Engelbertus Sloot. ; Praes.: J. Hoornbeek
Disputatio theologica anti-sociniana, de Christo servatore. Decima-sexta, & ultima. / By Hermannus van Essen. ; Praes.: J. Hoornbeek
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Disputatio theologica anti-sociniana, de justificatione. Pars secvnda. / By Benjamin de Lannoy. ; Praes.: J. Hoornbeek

Lvgdvni Batavorvm, apud J. Elzevirivm typ., 1656

1 Copies. — STCN ID: 420542965

Disputatio theologica anti-sociniana, de justificatione. Pars secvnda. / By Benjamin de Lannoy. ; Praes.: J. Hoornbeek
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Disputatio theologica anti-sociniana, de justificatione. Pars tertia. / By Henricus Lydius. ; Praes.: J. Hoornbeek

Lvgdvni Batavorvm, apud J. Elzevirivm typ., 1656

1 Copies. — STCN ID: 420543007

Disputatio theologica anti-sociniana, de justificatione. Pars tertia. / By Henricus Lydius. ; Praes.: J. Hoornbeek
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Disputatio theologica anti-sociniana, de justificatione. Pars qvinta. / By Laurentius Cnollius. ; Praes.: J. Hoornbeek

Lvgdvni Batavorvm, apud J. Elzevirivm typ., 1656

1 Copies. — STCN ID: 420543066

Disputatio theologica anti-sociniana, de justificatione. Pars qvinta. / By Laurentius Cnollius. ; Praes.: J. Hoornbeek