Short-Title Catalogue Netherlands

The Dutch National Bibliography up to 1801

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A christian letter of certaine English protestants, vnfained fauourers of the present state of religion, authorised and professed in England: vnto [...] mr R. Hoo. requiring resolution in certaine matters of doctrine
The triall of maist. Dorrell, or A collection of defences against allegations not yet suffered to receiue convenient answere. / [By John Darrell]
Warachtighe tijdinghe en̄ corte beschrijvinghe van Yrlant, twelck de Enghelsche croone onderworpen is
An apologie, or defence of the possession of William Sommers, a yong[!] man of the towne of Nottingham. / By John Darrell
Vvarachtich verhael van het grouwelijc verraet t'welc voorghenomen is gheweest teghens den coninck van Schotlant, door den grave van Gaurie. / Translated from the French into Dutch
VVaerachtich verhael van het gruwelijck verraedt twelck voorghenomen is gheweest teghen den coninck van Schotlandt, door den grave van Gaurie. / Translated from the French into Dutch
Warachtighe verclaringhe, in wat manieren de dry ambassadeurs des conincx van Barbaryen by hare ma. van Enghelandt zijn ghecomen, ende audientie hebben verkreghen. / (By Noël de Caron)
A defence of a treatise tovching the svfferings and victorie of Christ in the worke of ovr redemption. / By Henry Jacob
A true discourse concerning the certaine possession and dispossessiō of 7 persons in one familie in Lancashire. / By George More
A true discourse concerning the certaine possession and dispossession of 7 persons in one familie in Lancashire. / By George More